Walking together as one body of Christ.
Caminando juntos como un solo cuerpo de Cristo.
If you or someone you know are in need of Food, Utility or Rental Assistance, please call the Office number to be referred to the St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers for assistance.
We DO NOT offer Financial Assistance.
MUST live in the Church's area, all others will be referred to SVDP closest to them.
(713) 224 5291 | Ext. 104
or leave a message via email at
Office Hours
9:00am - 11:00am
Current Office Hours: Tuesdays 9 am - 11 am
There are various SVDP Society groups within various parishes throughout the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese. Each SVDP Society has their assigned zip codes in which they assist.All outside zip codes will be referred to their correct SVDP society group.
Due to various circumstances and the pandemic, we are sorry to announce that the Food pantry in BSCC will be closing their doors & will no longer be a distribution center for food items. They will continue however to assist with utility bills at this time.
We are no longer taking ANY Food Donations at this moment. PLEASE DO NOT Drop off items outside the doors of the Church, Office or Food pantry.
We are thankful and blessed to have been able to serve our community for many years & we will continue to try our best to help those in need.
Por varias circunstancias y parte por la pandemia, estamos tristes de anunciar que la despensa de alimentos tendrá que cerrar sus puertas en este momento. Todo tipo de distribuicion de alimentos terminaran y no sabemos si podramos abrir la despensa de comida en futuro, pero esperamos poder seguir asistiendo con los recibos de servicios publicos, i.e. como agua, gas o electricidad.
No estaremos tomando ningun tipo de donaciones de alimentos de ahora en adelante, favor de NO DEJAR Donaciones de cualquier tipo afuera de la Iglesia, oficina or la Despensa de comida atras de la Iglesia.
Estamos profundamente agradecidos y bendecidos de haber poder ayudado a nuestra comunidad por tantos años y continuaremos de servir a nuestra comunidad en esta capacidad.
Need Assistance? | ¿Necesita Asistencia?
The Catholic Charities is a trusted community Partner, helping the poor and vulnerable through many services.
Las Caridades Catolicas en un socio comunitario de confianza que ayuda a los pobres y vulnerables a través de varios servicios.
Nurturing & Caring for Children | Cuidado de los Niños
Strengthening Families | Fortaleciendo Familias
Supporting Refugees and Immigrants | Apoyo a Refugiados e Imigrantes
Promoting Independence for Seniors, Veterans & Others | Promocion para la Independencia a Personas Mayores, Veteranos y Otros
If you are in need of assistance, please visit their website by clicking on the picture link or call at the number found below this message.
Si usted necesita ayuda, avor de visitar la pagina web de las Caridades Catolicas al hacer click en la foto o llamar al numero de telefono bajo este mensaje.
Call Catholic Charities at (713) 526-4611
Llame a las Caridades Catolicas al (713) 526-4611