Walking together as one body of Christ.
Caminando juntos como un solo cuerpo de Cristo.
Your kind donations are used for the maintenance of the church. Please feel free to look at the Monthly Reports below.
Como sus donaciones ayudan a nuestra Iglesia.
Sus generosos donativos son usados para el mantenimiento de la iglesia. Favor de ver los reportes mensuales abajo.
For Detail Spring Festival Report, please click on the image above or the link below
Detail Spring Festival 23' Report
1. Follow the link: Online Giving to the online giving page or by clicking the picture of Blessed Sacrament Church.
2. Select the Occurrence of your Gift.
3. Amount of Gift.
4. Most important, Chose the name of the Church you wish to support:
5. Fill out your information.
6. Complete payment method.
7. Once completed, you will receive an email receipt of your gift.
Thank You for your Support!
1. Siga el enlace: Donaciones en Linea a la pagina de donaciones electrónicas o al hacer click en la foto de la parroquia.
2. Seleccione si se repitiera el monto de su donación o solo una vez.
3. Seleccione el monto de su donación.
4. Es muy importante que seleccione el nombre de la Parroquia cual usted guste apoyar:
5. Llene el resto de su información en la forma.
6. Complete su método de pago.
7. Ya completando el proceso, recibirá un recibo de su donación en su correo electronico.
Muchas Gracias por su Apoyo!
Our Registered Members receive their Yearly Offertory Envelopes that are used every Sunday and Special Feast/Holidays for their offerings.
To register to become a member of Blessed Sacrament Church, we kindly ask you to visit our office to fill out the form.
Were you once a registered member but moved away/stopped coming to mass due to covid-19?
We can re-activate your membership by filling out a new form and assign you a new Envelope number.
Who can register to become a member?
Everyone is welcome to Register! By becoming a registered member, we thank you for the commitment you have made to Blessed Sacrament Church and recognizing it as your home parish.
Not a registered member but would like to make a donation or gift to the Church?
All donations are welcome, either online, during Sunday Collection, in the office or mailed out.
Checks should be made to: Blessed Sacrament Church
Notation: *the reason to your donation*
Examples: Maintenance, Debt Reduction, Easter/Christmas Flowers, AYC, Special Collection, Special project, Donation, etc.
Cash Donations:
Cash Donations can just be put in the basket during Sunday offertory or taken to the Office so we may write you a receipt for your kind donation.
We kindly ask to please Do Not mail Cash to the Church Office.